AI4CI Jobs

Post-doc and PhD Positions

People image with speech bubbles and ideas

Join the AI4CI Hub!

The Hub has multiple Post-doc positions and PhD positions available across its partner universities. We are looking for researchers with a wide range of skills and experience across AI, machine learning, data science, statistics, mathematics, human-computer interaction, systems design and human factors, as well as in domains such as finance, the environment, pandemics, healthcare and smart cities.


The AI4CI Hub pursues research across five applied research themes and two cross-cutting research themes.

Each theme’s research team is made up of academics, postdocs, PhD students and stakeholder partners. Some theme teams are located at one University and some are spread across two. The themes pursue specific case study research projects, but are also tightly integrated together so that they can learn from and support each other.

Each opportunity listed below is associated with a specific academic theme lead. Feel free to contact the academic related to the post or posts that you are interested in. General queries should be directed to the Hub’s email address.

For further information, please see the job specification associated with each post, and the general information below.


Postdoc Postitions

Laura Smith - Theme Lead: Human-Centred Design - University of Bath

University of Bath

PDRA in Human-Centered Design

Working under: Prof. Laura G. E. Smith, Department of Psychology

Apply: via the University of Bath recruitment portal.

Deadline: Closed to Applications 

Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled postdoctoral Research Associate to join our interdisciplinary team based within the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath, under the leadership of Professor Laura SmithThe postholder will be responsible for developing and delivering a package of work for the human-centered design theme, which explores the ways in which AI-driven smart agents can leverage collective intelligence to help people to make decisions. 

Laura Smith - Theme Lead: Human-Centred Design - University of Bath

University of Bath

PDRA in Healthcare Ecosystems

Working under: Dr.Theresa Smith, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Apply: via the University of Bath recruitment portal.

Deadline: Closed to Applications 

Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Postdoctoral Research Associate to join our interdisciplinary health data science team. The post holder will develop and evaluate new modelling tools to predict and classify disease trajectories using large-scale health databases to enhance decision-making in care delivery and self-management for conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, anxiety, and depression.

John Cartlidge - Theme Lead: Financial Stability - University of Bristol

University of Bristol

PDRA in Financial Stability

Working under: Dr. John Cartlidge, School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

Apply: via the University of Bristol recruitment portal

Deadline: Jul 28th 

Description: The primary focus of this post is to develop AI and machine learning to support and encourage financial stability from the level of the individual trader to national and trans-national markets. The research will leverage a combination of non-traditional sources of data (e.g., social media, news media) and traditional data from financial markets (prices, volumes, etc.). 

Lenon Danon - Theme Lead: Pandemic Resilience - University of Bristol

University of Bristol

PDRA in Pandemic Resilience

Working under: Dr. Leon Danon, School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

Apply: via the University of Bristol recruitment portal.

Deadline: Closed to Applications 

Description:  The University of Bristol are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join our Pandemic Resilience team. The primary focus of this post is to develop new AI approaches to Pandemic Resilience as part of the hub. The potential for AI to support our response to emerging epidemic and pandemic threats is underdeveloped and the post holder will be at the forefront of innovation in this emerging field. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to work with a range of policy-facing scientists within the JUNIPER consortium (, stakeholders including UKHSA, central and local government and pharmaceutical industry leaders.

Aisling O’Kane - Theme Lead: Health Ecosystems - University of Bristol

University of Bristol

PDRA in Healthcare Ecosystems

Working under: Dr. Aisling O’Kane, School of Computer Science

Apply: via the University of Bristol recruitment portal.

Deadline: Applications will open this summer. Watch this space.

Description: [Watch this space]

Maggie Chen - Theme Lead: Financial Stability - Cardiff University

Cardiff University

PDRA in Financial Stability

Working under: Prof. Maggie Chen, School of Mathematics

Apply: via the Cardiff University recruitment portal.

Deadline: Applications will open this summer. Watch this space.

Description: [Watch this space]

Phil Morgan - Theme Lead: Human-Centred Design, Cardiff University

Cardiff University

PDRA in Human-Centered Design

Working under: Prof. Phil Morgan, School of Psychology

Apply: via the Cardiff University recruitment portal

Deadline: Closed to Applications 

Description: Cardiff University is seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Human Factors / Cognitive Science. The post-holder will work on an EPSRC project AI for Collective Intelligence / AI4CI under the leadership of Professor Phil Morgan to develop and deliver a package of work within a cross-cutting human-centered design theme, which explores the ways in which AI-driven smart agents can leverage collective intelligence to help people to make decisions. The post holder will also contribute to the overall research performance of the School of Psychology and University, carrying out research with the potential to lead to publications. 

Hywel Williams - Theme Lead: Environmental Intelligence - Exeter University

University of Exeter

2 × PDRFs in Environmental Intelligence

Working under: Prof. Hywel Williams, Computer Science

Apply: via the University of Exeter recruitment portal.

Deadline: Closed to Applications 

Description: University of Exeter seeks to recruit two Postdoctoral Research Fellows to participate in the “environmental intelligence” theme of the AI for Collective Intelligence hub. AI4CI researchers at University of Exeter will develop “smart agent” tools that use large language models and generative AI to support better decision-making about environmental challenges. This interdisciplinary project will require collaboration between computational researchers with excellent technical skills in AI and machine learning, and environmental researchers with strong knowledge of application domains including climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Developing such tools for social benefit will need a strong commitment to responsible innovation and ethics. We now seek to recruit two postdoctoral researchers in relevant disciplines to help deliver this exciting goal.

Alison Heppenstall - Theme Lead: Smart Cities - University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow

PDRA in Smart Cities

Working under: Prof. Alison Heppenstall, School of Social & Political Sciences

Apply: via the University of Glasgow recruitment portal

Deadline: Closed to Applications

Description: The University of Glasgow is seeking a highly motivated and skilled Research Associate to join our interdisciplinary team focused on advancing our knowledge on the useful application of artificial intelligence methods to problems that are presented in urban contexts.  The post will be based in the Urban Big Data Centre working with Professor Alison Heppenstall.

Adam Dennett - Theme Lead: Smart Cities - University College London

University College London

PDRF in Smart Cities

Working under: Prof. Adam Dennett, Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)

Apply: via the University College London recruitment portal.

Deadline: Closed to Applications

Description: We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Research Fellow to join our interdisciplinary team focused on advancing the application of AI methods to problems that are presented in urban contexts. The postholder will be responsible for exploring how novel AI based analytical methods can be used to gain new insights and enhance decision-making processes related, in particular, to urban planning and development.​

Michaela Black - Theme Lead: Infrastructure and Governance - Ulster University

University of Ulster

PDRA in AI Infrastructure and Governance

Working under:  Prof. Michaela Black, School of Computing, Engineering & Intelligent Systems

Apply: via the University of Ulster recruitment portal.

Deadline: Applications are not yet open for this post 

Description: [Watch this space]

Joan Condell - Theme Lead: Infrastructure and Governance - Ulster University

University of Ulster

PDRA in AI Infrastructure and Governance

Working under:  Prof. Joan Condell, School of Computing, Engineering & Intelligent Systems

Apply: via the University of Ulster recruitment portal.

Deadline: Applications are not yet open for this post.

Description: [Watch this space]

PhD Postitions

Laura Smith - Theme Lead: Human-Centred Design - University of Bath

University of Bath

PhD in Human-Centered Design

Working under: Dr. Laura E.Smith, School of Psychology

Apply: via the University of Bath recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

Laura Smith - Theme Lead: Human-Centred Design - University of Bath

University of Bath

PhD in Healthcare Ecosystems

Working under: Dr.Theresa Smith, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Apply: via the University of Bath recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

John Cartlidge - Theme Lead: Financial Stability - University of Bristol

University of Bristol

PhD in Financial Stability

Working under:  Dr. John Cartlidge, School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

Apply: via the University of Bristol recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

Lenon Danon - Theme Lead: Pandemic Resilience - University of Bristol

University of Bristol

2 × PhDs in Pandemic Resilience

Working under:  Dr. Leon Danon, School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology

Apply: via the University of Bristol recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

Aisling O’Kane - Theme Lead: Health Ecosystems - University of Bristol

University of Bristol

PhD in Healthcare Ecosystems

Working under:  Dr. Aisling O’Kane, School of Computer Science

Apply: via the University of Bristol recruitment portal.

Deadline: Post to be advertised this summer.

Description: [Watch the space]

Maggie Chen - Theme Lead: Financial Stability - Cardiff University

Cardiff University

PhD in Financial Stability

Working under:  Prof. Maggie Chen, School of Mathematics

Apply: via the Cardiff University recruitment portal.

Deadline: August 25th

Description: This project is looking to develop personalized, adaptive AI to enable individuals and businesses to make better-informed decisions personal finances. We welcome research proposals that explores the sub-areas such as data-driven psychometric credit rating tools, credit risk modeling, financial scam detection, disruptive patterns in payment and lending methods, mass and behavioral intelligence informed lending and payment methods etc. The focus is to incorporate appropriate AI techniques including adaptive AI, predictive AI, GenAI etc. to understand comprehensive intelligence at both customer and business level and offer deployable yet robust scientific solutions.

Phil Morgan - Theme Lead: Human-Centred Design, Cardiff University

Cardiff University

PhD in Human-Centered Design

Working under: Prof. Phil Morgan, School of Psychology

Apply: via the Cardiff University recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

Hywel Williams - Theme Lead: Environmental Intelligence - Exeter University

University of Exeter

2 × PhDs in Environmental Intelligence

Working under:  Prof. Hywel Williams, Computer Science

Apply: via the University of Exeter recruitment portal.

Deadline: Closed to Applications 

Description: Machine learning is rapidly increasing our ability to extract patterns from environmental data and generative AI is providing new abilities for automated systems to interact with human users using natural language, audio and video. This PhD project will explore and develop smart agent tools that harness generative AI as an interface between people and complex environmental data and models.

Alison Heppenstall - Theme Lead: Smart Cities - University of Glasgow

University of Glasgow

PhD in Smart Cities

Working under:  Prof. Alison Heppenstall, School of Social & Political Sciences

Apply: via the University of Glasgow recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

Adam Dennett - Theme Lead: Smart Cities - University College London

University College London

PhD in Smart Cities

Working under:  Prof. Adam Dennett, Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA)

Apply: via the University College London recruitment portal – link coming soon.

Deadline: TBC

Description: [Watch this space]

Michaela Black - Theme Lead: Infrastructure and Governance - Ulster University

University of Ulster

PhD in AI Infrastructure and Governance

Working under:  Prof. Michaela Black, School of Computing, Engineering & Intelligent Systems

Apply: via the University of Ulster recruitment portal.

Deadline: Applications are not yet open for this post.

Description: [Watch this space]

Joan Condell - Theme Lead: Infrastructure and Governance - Ulster University

University of Ulster

PhD in AI Infrastructure and Governance

Working under:  Prof. Joan Condell, School of Computing, Engineering & Intelligent Systems

Apply: via the University of Ulster recruitment portal.

Deadline: Applications are not yet open for this post.

Description: [Watch this space].

People image with speech bubbles and ideas

More Information

The AI4CI Hub will pursue cutting edge research at the intersection between the fields of applied AI and Collective Intelligence, working with many academic and non-academic stakeholder partners from across relevant sectors: from AI software companies and start-ups to FinTech firms, NHS trusts, city modelling labs and local and national government departments and agencies.

Each theme within the Hub features distinctive research questions and methods. Challenges that cut across the themes include federated and privacy preserving machine learning, anomaly and change point detection, trust and transparency, algorithmic fairness and AI safety.

Our mission is to pioneer national scale AI for UK collective intelligence, i.e., to develop AI, machine learning and intelligent agent approaches that extract valuable insights from parallel streams of data derived from large-scale populations and use these insights to inform high-level national policy and strategy, but also to deliver bespoke guidance to individual members of these populations, e.g., helping people to understand and manage risk during a pandemic, or to make effective financial investment decisions, or improve city planning outcomes, or manage a long-term health condition like diabetes.

AI4CI Loop diagram
People image with speech bubbles and ideas

This is an extremely challenging goal; one which we expect to require intense inter-disciplinary research collaboration amongst people with diverse skills and experience. Consequently, we are looking to hire people from a wide variety of backgrounds, from AI, machine learning, data science, complex systems and mathematical modelling and to human factors and systems design, and from urban analytics, fintech and digital health to environmental and epidemiological modelling.

Successful candidates will be interested in researching innovative combinations of AI, machine learning, collective intelligence and system design and have a strong commitment to pursuing applied research in a collaborative and inter-disciplinary setting.

Come and Join an Amazing Research Team!

The AI4CI Research Hub

The AI4CI Research Hub is a reserach collaboration that brings together leading research groups from the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Glasgow, Ulster and UCL to form an integrated centre of gravity for a growing nationwide activity combining innovative research and development, community and capacity building, career development, public engagement, research translation, policymaking and governance organised around a clear central theme: new AI for Collective Intelligence.

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining the Hub's research effort, or want to find out more please get in touch.