Apply for funding
AI4CI Rapid Response Fund
The AI4CI Hub’s Rapid Response Fund offers an exciting opportunity for small-scale, high-impact projects that unite academic and non-academic partners from across the UK. This fund is designed to support collaboration on AI for Collective Intelligence research, with the potential to achieve concrete outcomes that pave the way for more significant research activities.
Key information
Projects must involve one or more UK academic partners and one or more non-academic project partners. Note: The academic project lead must be eligible to receive EPSRC funding.
The consortium must commit cash or in-kind contributions from the academic and non-academic partner(s), ideally equal to or greater than the funding being requested.
In-kind contributions may include staff time, access to equipment, data, software, tools or materials and must have a value assigned to them..

Most awards are expected to be under £50,000, but there is no formal limit on what you can request. We will fund 100% of directly incurred (DI) costs, including research staff time, travel and subsistence and consumables.
The fund operates an open call with no formal deadlines and we aim to give you a decision within six weeks of your submission.
How to apply
Complete the proposal form and email it to
Further information
- Guidance for Applicants (PDF, 158B) including: how we define AI for collective intelligence, assessment criteria and FAQs.
- Proposal form (Word, 289kB)
- Sample award letter (PDF, 162kB)
Not sure if your idea fits?
Feel free to get in touch! Send the AI4CI Hub a short email with a clear description of your idea in no more than three paragraphs, and we’ll get back to you with advice.